Monday, December 21, 2009

Review of Tera Melos, Repeaters on 12/10/09

My friend Jordan came across a review of Tera Melos from a few weeks ago (12/10/09) at the house!

Here it is

The band that does the swooshing is Robbie's and my band, Repeaters (HA). Anyways, check out the other posts on this blog, the guy has a great taste in music.

Unfortunatly we did not record Tera Melos, we anticipated (and rightly so) a huge crowd so we didn't want to deal with the logistics of miking and all that jazz. At least 50 people crammed themselves into the basement for an awesome show, thanks for coming!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hungry Ghost (December 5, 2009)

Hungry Ghost played the basement this past Saturday! Andrew Price is one of the best slide players (seriously check out their last song) I have seen and Sara Lund's propulsive drums make Hungry Ghost one hell of a band.

Andrew Price: Guitar, Vocals
Sara Lund: Drums, Vocals

Listen and Download

Gun Outfit

This past Saturday we had Gun Outfit, Hungry Ghost, Repeaters, Chung Antique, and Ikizukuri in the basement. Gun Outfit rocked some new songs, here now for your listening pleasure!

(ProTools ate the first two songs, but the rest sound OK)

Dylan: Guitar, Vox
Carrie: Guitar, Vox
Reuben: Drums

Download and Listen:

Sunday, November 29, 2009


This week happens to be the release week of a split CD-R with Repeaters, Ikizukuri, and Chung Antique. Here is the Ikizukuri portion. If you want a copy, send us an email at sonicdeathsonicdeath (at)

Generifus (November 14 at the house)

Generifus (Spencer Sult) was kind enough to stop by and play a duet with our boy Robbie (unfortunately ProTools ate it) and one of his own songs. Here is the latter. Enjoy!



Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thought Bandit @ SONICDEATH1

Here goes, the full set. Enjoy!



EDIT: Lossless files here, download these!

Slo-Mo Diablo @ SONICDEATH1 (10/24/09)

Here is the first of the many recordings from SONICDEATH1, our whenever-we-want-to-have-it amplified music festival. Enjoy!
Slo-Mo Diablo:


Groves (November 14, 2009)

Groves played the house a few weeks ago, here are the three songs that ProTools didn't kill!

Download .WAV files here:

Thursday, November 19, 2009


We'll post recordings of the shows we have at our house!

The first will be from SONICDEATH1 back from October. Look for those in the next week or so!
